Raise Your Bar

img_5827As I have always been involved in fitness and martial arts I have to remind myself that others are different and that I should clarify why it is such an important part of my life. Training my body to work efficiently was ingrained in me as a boy when I first began studying martial arts. It’s important to me that I can perform almost any physical exercise regardless of my age or situation. I want to be able to count on myself. Can I go up stairs without breathing heavy? Can I defend myself in a self defense situation? Can I hike up a mountain? Swim in the Ocean? Move through an urban environment easily and without difficulty? These are things that I feel are essential to JUST being a regular human being. Not exceptional. Not an athlete. Not superman. Just simply the norm, the status quo. We as humans have lowered the bar  on our physical expectation in the modern era of couch surfing and fast food. Martial arts and fitness is the best way in my opinion to raise your own bar. Martial arts will make you faster, stronger, more vital. It will also make you feel better about yourself in so many ways. Don’t rely on someone else to carry your bags. Don’t rely on someone else to protect you in a bad situation. Don’t rely on someone else to fix your brain. Try martial arts, any martial art! You’ll become better, believe me.

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